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Top 5 Tips for DIY Newborn Hospital photos

  1. Prepare and Pack that Bag

Don't stress this is something you are already doing anyways so let's consider a few more things to add that go-bag to help capture those beautiful moments.

  • A pretty little robe, lets face it, nursing bras and leggings aren't flattering, an easy fix so lets cover it up and achieve a cute and tidy look.

  • Muslin wraps that match or complement your robe simple colours are always good.

  • Simple make up bag with eyeliner, mascara and concealer will help you to feel more yourself.

  • And of course your phone, a camera isn't necessary as you phone is just fine for this type of shoot.

2. The Magic is in the lighting

Unfortunately not all birthing suites will have a source of natural light but as long as you do your best to maximise the room you have your lighting will be on point.

  • Firstly clear the clutter out of the room, make sure there are no cups, plates tissues or miscellaneous items on surfaces. Last this we want is something in the background serving as a distraction.

  • Time of day, avoid direct sunlight, best lighting around late morning.

  • Open the blind and let as much indirect light into the room

  • Consider turning off over head lights, experiment with this because depending on the room it may too dark otherwise.

  • Position yourself and baby close to the window to capture that natural light.

3. Keep baby happy

Nothing keeps baby more happy than being wrapped up tight and warm. So get out that wrap and make baby happy. Once baby is wrapped up try not move baby around too much, take the time and start the shoot. Since baby is in your arms before putting baby down get mom and baby shots and close ups of the star of the show.

4. Variety, Variety, Variety!

Maximise the time you have while baby in that good mood. Try

  • Dad holding baby, sitting in hospital bed facing window

  • Dad looking at baby, looking at the camera. Smile of course!

  • Have Dad give the baby a kiss or just cuddle close.

  • Again get some close-up and then far away, try out different angles

  • Stand near the window and get some photos holding the baby

  • Repeat all this with mom and dad together so ask a family member to help.

5. Try Shooting from Above

To avoid unflattering angles (seeing up nostrils) it is a great idea to also shoot from above. It removes a lot of distraction from the background and provide simple clean images. Have someone carefully try shooting from an elevated position, like a chair once baby is comfortably lying in the bassinet. Remember to keep the bassinet close to the window for good lighting.


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